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Quality Certificates

Quality Control

In our laboratories, comprehensive controls are conducted to ensure the quality of our products, covering raw materials, product inspections, and critical process parameters. Additionally, case-based analyses and examinations are performed on customer samples. This approach relies on highly trained personnel and top-quality measurement equipment, ensuring consistent and accurate test results.

In addition to established and standardized test protocols, we develop and implement special and customized methods. Through the procedures carried out in our company laboratory, we perform visual, mechanical, electrical, and chemical tests using the latest laboratory technologies.


These activities are carried out in four distinct laboratories: Continuous Casting Quality Control Laboratory, Wire Drawing Quality Control Laboratories, Chemistry Laboratory, Physics Laboratory


Our results are documented in accordance with customer requirements and are provided along with acceptance test certificates compliant with EN 10204-3.1 standards.

Er-Bakır Conflict Minerals Supply Policy

Conflict Minerals (also known as 3TG) sourced from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighboring countries are sometimes extracted by armed groups and sold to "finance severe conflicts involving violence." Some of these minerals and the metals produced from them (such as tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold) may enter the supply chains of products used worldwide.

As Er-Bakir, in line with our corporate responsibility approach and our commitment to respecting human rights both in our own operations and in the global supply chain, our goal is to source and use tin material—the only Conflict Mineral we use—from non-conflict regions.

We expect our suppliers to have policies ensuring that the products and components they provide to us do not contain DRC Conflict Minerals. The Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) is part of the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI).

To support this policy, as Er-Bakir, we will:

  • Continue our efforts within the CMRT framework,

  • Inform our suppliers about our Conflict Minerals Supply Policy and encourage them to comply with it,

  • Provide due diligence information to verify that materials in our supply chain do not contain Conflict Minerals,

  • Collaborate with our suppliers and customers to promote the use of products free from DRC Conflict Minerals.

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