Internship Applications
Er-Bakır Summer Internship Programme Applications Started!
If you want to take a strong step on your career journey and gain an unforgettable experience, apply now!
How Does Our Application Process Work?
First of all, you must choose one of the internship periods we have determined.
Application Dates: 01 March - 31 March
Apply to the <<Summer term short-term intern application>> announcement on Secret CV.
Don't forget to add your GPA to your CV!
Finally, you should attend our internship exam that will take place in Er-Bakır. This is everything!
Details About Our Exam
Our exam consists of general knowledge, general ability and English sections.
There are 80 questions in total and the duration is 90 minutes.
Our exam will be held in our factory.
Interns will be placed according to the scores they receive from the exam, the quota allocated to their departments and the internship period(s) they choose.
Choosing more than one internship period will increase your chances of placement based on your exam results.
Internships lasting 20 working days will be done in the workplace. For internships longer than 20 days, the remaining part will be completed through remote project management. Internship start dates cannot be changed.
Compulsory internships will be considered as a priority.
If the number of applications exceeds 75 people, they will be invited to the exam, taking into account their current GPA. Placement results will be announced at the beginning of May.