About Er-Bakır
Since 1937, Mr. A. Nuri ERİKOĞLU had been producing household copperware such as cauldrons, pots, and trays by handcrafting in Denizli Kale İçi Copperware Market, and in the following years, he foresaw that the usage areas of copper would change. Combining the entrepreneurial spirit gained through his industrial journey that began in the 1960s with his vision, he founded ER-BAKIR on March 12, 1981, at 12/14, 665th Street, Denizli 1st Industrial Site, with the aim of producing copper wires used in electrical cables, which are now utilized in almost every field.
In its initial years, ER-BAKIR operated as a relatively small workplace compared to today, and starting from 1983, it began making investments in the area where it currently operates.