Board of
The foundations of the modern Erikoğlu Group of the 2000s were laid in 1937 by the industrial pioneer Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu, who started his career as a coppersmith in Denizli Kaleiçi Bakırcılar Bazaar. During those years, he produced essential kitchenware such as cauldrons, pots, trays, and platters entirely by hand, using only a hammer and a few basic tools, without any technological assistance. With his innovative perspective, he expanded his business, transitioning from traditional coppersmithing to a significant innovation of the time: spinning copperware on molds. Soon, he began selling his products across the Aegean region, including İzmir, Aydın, Muğla, and Isparta. In 1959, a copper electrolysis facility (Elektrobakır) was established in Istanbul to produce copper sheets. These sheets were then transported to Denizli for spinning. In the 1970s, Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu decided to transition to mass production and began producing copper in the form of wires. These copper wires were primarily sold to the Istanbul market. Together with his partner Mehmet Ergür, Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu combined local labor with effective training, breaking the monopoly of minorities in copper wire production and securing a permanent place in the market. When the wires sold to Istanbul were coated with plastic and resold to Denizli, a decision was made to start cable production in Denizli, leading to the establishment of Ergür Kablo. While copper wire production continued, Ergür Kablo grew rapidly and, by the 1980s, became one of the top five factories in its sector in Turkey. In the 1980s, Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu's dream of establishing an integrated facility capable of producing its own copper and converting it into wires came to fruition, laying the foundation for Er-Bakır. Today, Er-Bakır stands as the largest capitalized enterprise in Denizli and the second-largest facility in its sector in Turkey. The entrepreneurial spirit of the Erikoğlu Group extended to other sectors, leading to its involvement in enamel copper wire and electrical materials industries. Erikoğlu Group continues to serve Turkey as a leading and exemplary organization in the 21st century, just as it did in the 20th century. Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu passed away on January 1, 2010. With his passing, the Denizli industry lost a great pioneer. Some of Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu's contributions to civil society include: Founder and Chairman of Denizli 1st Industrial Zone. Founder and Chairman of Denizli 2nd Industrial Zone. Founding Member of the Denizli Chamber of Industry: He played a key role in establishing an independent chamber of industry in Denizli, previously operating as a branch of the İzmir Chamber of Industry, and served as its Assembly President until 1987 Member of the Board of Directors of the Denizli Chamber of Industry Chairman of the Assembly of the Denizli Chamber of Industry

Müjdat Keçeci
Müjdat Keçeci, born in Denizli in 1947, completed his primary, secondary, and high school education in Denizli before attending Istanbul University Faculty of Law, from which he graduated in 1970. He began his professional career as a freelance lawyer and continued in this role until 1980. After 1980, he transitioned to senior management positions, serving as a Member of the Board of Directors at İktisat Bankası and playing an active role in the management of Ergür Kablo A.Ş. In 1983, he joined Er-Bakır Elektrolitik Bakır Mamulleri A.Ş. as General Manager, and he currently continues to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. He has served as Chairman of the Board of the Denizli Chamber of Industry, as well as a Member of the TOBB High Coordination Board and the TOBB Council of Chambers of Industry. He has also acted as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kobi Girişim Sermayesi ve Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. and is a member of Pamukkale Tennis Club, where he served as chairman for many years. Additionally, he has been a member of Rotary Club, which he chaired in the past, and DESİAD (Denizli Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association), where he also held the position of chairman in previous years. His contributions extend to being a Member of the Board of Trustees of Denizli Culture and Art Foundation, the Board of Directors of DOÇEV, and the Supervisory Board of Denizlispor Kulübü) (Denizlispor Club Through these roles, he has actively participated in the leadership or membership of numerous organizations, civil society initiatives, and associations.
Vedat Erikoğlu
Vedat Erikoğlu was born in Denizli in 1952. He completed his high school education at İzmir Özel Türk Koleji and graduated from Ege University’s Department of Chemical Engineering. He began his professional career at Ergür Kablo ve Bakır Tel Sanayi A.Ş. and later participated in the founding efforts of Er-Bakır and Erikoğlu Emaye companies. To consolidate commercial and industrial companies under one roof, he co-founded Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu Holding A.Ş., named after their father, with his siblings. He later established Erikoğlu Endüstri Holding A.Ş. together with his brother Sedat Erikoğlu. Vedat Erikoğlu currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at Er-Bakır Elektrolitik Bakır Mamulleri A.Ş., Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu Holding A.Ş., Başak Metal Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş., and Arenko Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. He also holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors at Erikoğlu Endüstri Holding A.Ş., Erikoğlu Emaye Bakır Tel A.Ş., and Erikoğlu Elektrik Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş., while actively continuing his professional career. Believing that social life is as important as business life, Vedat Erikoğlu is a member of several organizations, including Pamukkale Tennis Club, Denizli Ski Club, DOÇEV (Denizli Forest and Environment Foundation), DESİAD (Denizli Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association), and DEKEV (Denizli Culture and Education Foundation).
Sedat Erikoğlu
Sedat Erikoğlu was born in 1962 in Denizli. He completed his primary and secondary education in Denizli, his high school education in İzmir, and his higher education in the United Kingdom in the field of Business Administration. He began his professional career in 1985 at Er-Bakır Elektrolitik Bakır Mamulleri A.Ş., where he continues to serve as a senior executive. To consolidate commercial and industrial companies under one roof, he co-founded Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu Holding A.Ş., named after their father, together with his siblings. Later, he established Erikoğlu Endüstri Holding A.Ş. with his brother Vedat Erikoğlu. Sedat Erikoğlu remains actively involved in the business world and serves as a board member in companies such as Er-Bakır Elektrolitik Bakır Mamulleri A.Ş., C.N Wire Corporation, Başak Metal Tic. ve San. A.Ş., and Arenko Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. He also serves as vice chairman of the board in Ahmet Nuri Erikoğlu Holding A.Ş., Erikoğlu Endüstri Holding A.Ş., Erikoğlu Emaye Bakır Tel San. A.Ş., Erikoğlu Elektrik San. Tic. A.Ş., and ER GES Enerji San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Additionally, he is the chairman of the board at Sinerji Soma Enerji San. ve Tic. A.Ş. In addition to his business endeavors, Sedat Erikoğlu is also active in social life. He has served as a member of the Denizli Chamber of Industry (DSO) Assembly, a board member and vice chairman of the Denizli Exporters Association (DENİB). He is also a member of the Pamukkale Tennis Club and has served as a board member of the Denizli Industrialists and Businessmen Association (DESİAD).